2017 Presentation Information

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Oral Presentations and Workshops 

Tuesday, August 8

Presentations should be either 45 or 90 minutes. This year, presenters will be asked to highlight their presentation with a 5-minute “preview” at the Tuesday plenary session, so that all participants get a sense of the concurrent options before we break out into sessions. Presenters are encouraged to collaborate with other educators and to run presentations that are as hands-on as possible! Power-point discussions on a theme relevant to the conference are also welcome.

Facilitated Dialogues

Thursday, August 10

Facilitated Dialogue is a guided conversation among community members. The role of the Facilitator is to help group members overcome communication barriers and engage in meaningful discussion for the benefit of all. In a dialogue circle, it is acknowledged that all members (whether experts or novices on a particular topic) have an important perspective to share and explore. The goal of dialogue is to engage the experiences of each participant in an effort to help the group focus on a single, challenging topic. Facilitators must have experience creating an equitably safe space for group participation, as well as tools for guiding group discussions. Dialogue may not necessarily result in a set of agreements but is expected to foster new perspectives for long-term advancement of community discussions.

Each Facilitated Dialogue session will run for 75 minutes. Ideal group sizes will be 10-20 participants.

Preference will be given to facilitators that have received certification in this skill. However, if you are interested in facilitating a dialogue circle, we are happy to pair you with a mentor! So please don’t hesitate to submit your idea. Email Laurie Stuart Morrow at director@prattmuseum.org for more information.

Poster Presentations/Sea Faire
Thursday, August 10

Poster presentations and Sea Faire will be held during the dinner and auction. Sea Faire is a marketplace of ‘ideas’ where individuals, agencies, organizations and vendors can share educational programs, equipment, curricula, and other materials appropriate for marine and aquatic educators and is intended to allow participants to share resources and ideas. Participants in Sea Faire who wish to sell items are welcome to do so but are encouraged to keep the items for sale relevant to the conference and the NAME organization.

Please submit proposals online on the NAME website (preferred), or complete the Call for Proposals form and return via e-mail to: director@prattmuseum.org

Application deadline is June 15, 2017

Questions? Contact Laurie Stuart Morrow at director@prattmuseum.org