2025 Presentation Information
The Call for Presenters is now open for the 2025 Conference hosted by NAME and the Oregon Coast Community College! This year’s theme is Aquatic Science Extravaganza: Outdoor Explorations from the Forest to the Sea.
Submit your Presentation Proposal
We invite educators, researchers, students, and resource professionals from the Pacific Northwest to submit your proposals using the online form on our website. There will be a range of presentation formats, including presentations, “hands-on” workshops, interactive sessions, and posters. It is possible for a single presenter to host more than one session or workshop. Please submit a separate proposal for each presentation.
Conference sessions, networking opportunities, and social activities will be spread across three consecutive days from July 25-27, including local outdoor field experiences. All presenters must register for the conference and are encouraged to participate in other conference sessions, functions and events.
Presentations that align with the conference theme and goals are encouraged:
- Connect with a community that shares wide range of experiences to expand perspectives and broaden impacts of ocean conservation, education and research
- Discover resources and information from communities and organizations that value healthy marine and aquatic ecosystems, and discuss how they can be incorporated into ocean and aquatic education
- Share activities, lessons, and resources that embrace diverse ways of teaching and learning ocean literacy concepts in the classroom and community
- Explore and discuss current issues in marine and aquatic science and the role of place, language and culture in informing solutions
All submissions received before the priority deadline of March 31, 2025 will be reviewed and successful applicants will be contacted by April 15, 2025. Applications received after the priority deadline will be reviewed if there is program space available.
Presentation Formats
Short Presentations: (30-minute sessions)
Standard presentations, including time for questions. Power-point presentations with group discussions on a theme relevant to the conference are also welcome.
Workshop or Presentation: (50-minute sessions)
Share your favorite marine and aquatic lessons, activities, or stewardship and research initiatives with your colleagues. We especially encourage presentations that highlight hands-on and place-based learning. If you require a time commitment longer than 60 minutes, please reach out to us and we can discuss options directly with individual presenters.
Workshops can be held indoors or outdoors on the Oregon Coast Community College campus and surrounding Lincoln County area. If you are unfamiliar with the location we encourage you to contact Fawn Custer, Conference Chair, fawncuster6@gmail.com
Field Experiences: (half day or full day experience)
We value experiences that get everyone outside connecting with nature. The field experiences provide a unique opportunity for participants to explore our amazing Oregon Coast ecosystems and learn about the wide range of flora, fauna, research, and outdoor learning opportunities (ex. lead guided hikes, paddle-boarding, kayaking, educational programing, or guided hands-on community science projects). Field experiences can be half day (2-3 hours) or full day (times may vary) and should take into account transportation to and from the experience site. Transportation assistance may be available for participants – please reach out to discuss specific needs for your experience.
Poster Presentation
The poster session is an engaging way for students, teachers, scientists and community professionals to share their lessons, research, and citizen science initiatives. The poster display is a great way to draw the audience into your research idea, project results, education tips and offers opportunities for building connections. A specific time will be set aside during the conference for presenters to greet and share their posters with conference participants, offering time for networking, feedback and engaging with participants on a one-on-one basis while posters are up for viewing. The poster gallery will be available for viewing throughout the conference. If you are selected to present a poster, we will provide additional information regarding guidelines for poster size and format and display instructions.
More information about anticipated registration and accommodation costs will be posted shortly on our website. For any questions please contact Fawn Custer, Conference Chair, fawncuster6@gmail.com