The Northwest Aquatic and Marine Educators (NAME)
is a “family” of educators passionate about oceans and watersheds.
Our mission is: To create, support, and inspire an international community of
marine and aquatic educators throughout the Pacific Northwest.
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NAME 2016 Conference

2016 conference logoAugust 14 – 18, 2016
Metchosin, BC
(near Victoria)

Registration is now closed. To inquire about last-minute availability, please contact us at

Please email us with any questions:

About Northwest Aquatic & Marine Educators

NAME was founded in 1976 and became a chapter of the National Marine Educators Association in 1980. In the early 1990s NAME expanded its mission and membership, recognizing that marine and aquatic ecosystems, environments, and issues are linked together, and that educators working in both environments share common beliefs and strategies. NAME includes members from Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon. Annual NAME conferences rotate through these states and province. In addition, each state or province offers local professional development opportunities for formal and non-formal educators throughout the year.

NAME is a “family” of educators who believe:

  • Every human on earth should be water-literate
  • Using the allure of water enriches and facilitates learning
  • Sharing our knowledge and experience with others creates a community of informed stewards

NAME has an innovative and energetic Board of Directors guided by dedicated members from Alaska, British Colombia, Washington and Oregon to fulfill our mission and goals.

NAME’s Goals:

  • Encourage professional growth by offering quality workshops, conferences, field experiences, and in-service opportunities in the Pacific Northwest
  • Share information and education materials focused on marine and aquatic environments and issues
  • Support a growing network of NAME educators who reflect the diverse communities of the Pacific Northwest

Strategic Plan 2015-2020

NAME is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.