Entries by Oregon Coast Education Program

Tidepool Diversity

Coastal Ecology—Tidepool Diversity Summary: This activity uses common data collection methods to introduce students to how scientists study highly dense and diverse rocky intertidal populations. Written for a site near Cape Perpetua, the concepts are highly adaptable to any intertidal area, or even a habitat nearby school. Students can compare data to long term data […]

Energy Flow

Coastal Ecology—Energy Flow Summary: Students will construct an energy pyramid and then create a food web of organisms in appropriate trophic levels of the ocean. Concepts to teach: Food webs, ocean habitats Goals: Use life history facts to create energy pyramids and food webs. Make connections between energy consumption and ecosystem dynamics in marine environments. […]

Telemetry Tales

Coastal Habitats & Species—Telemetry Tales Summary: Steller sea lions are disappearing from the Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands. In this topic guide, students practice using telemetry data from wild sea lions to try to learn more about what is going on with the species’ population. Concepts to teach: Population ecology, telemetry, science inquiry Goals: […]

TOPP Predators

Coastal Habitats & Species—TOPP Predators Summary: Students use satellite tagging data to follow the movement of marine animals over time. Examining satellite maps of sea Surface Temperature (SST) and chlorophyll-a data combined with satellite tagging data, students answer questions related to open-ocean animals, their habitats and migratory behaviors. Concepts to teach: Technology, georeferencing, pelagic predators […]

Squid Dissection

Coastal Habitats & Species—Squid Dissection Summary: Students will dissect a squid, learn about squid anatomy and adaptations, and then compare their dissected specimen to an octopus. Students relate the phenotypic traits they observe to the process of biological evolution. Concepts to teach: Squid anatomy and adaptations, comparative anatomy, evolution, natural selection Goals: Students will investigate […]

Tidepool Inquiry

Introduction—Tidepool Inquiry Summary: These field activities introduce students of all ages to the intertidal habitats of rocky shores while safely exploring tidepools. Using guided inquiry and structured group investigation, students will observe species living in this diverse habitat to make hypothesis about adaptations and interactions that are occurring in the community. Concepts to teach: Rocky […]

Ocean Observation

Introduction—Ocean Observation Summary: This activity will help familiarize students with methods scientists use to study the coastal ocean in the Pacific Northwest, and will encourage them to pose and investigate their own questions about the ocean. Concepts to teach: Physical and Earth Science, Inquiry Goals: To show students how technology enables scientists to study local […]

Biodiversity in an Estuary

Coastal Ecology—Biodiversity in an Estuary Summary: In this activity, students investigate the incredible biodiversity that exists in estuarine environments. They begin by exploring using Google Earth to explore a National Estuarine Research Reserve in Florida. Students then produce an estuary biodiversity concept map and individual organism profile that becomes part of an estuary wildlife exhibit. […]

Tidal Flat Exploration

Coastal Ecology—Tidal Flat Exploration Summary: This field lesson provides a structured experience for students to investigate the life of the tidal flats of the estuary and explore the relationship between sediments, elevation, and the life beneath surface. Concepts to teach: Marine and coastal ecosystems, habitats, estuaries, benthic organisms Goals: Students will collect and use evidence […]

Eelgrass Communities

Coastal Ecology—Eelgrass Communities Summary: Students collect transect data in the field to determine the distribution and abundance of life in eelgrass beds. Suitable sampling sites are available at South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve and other locations on the Oregon coast. Concepts to teach: Sampling protocol, density, diversity Goals: Students discover the diversity of plants […]