NAME Mini-grant Application

    NAME Mini-Grants from $50 to $350 are awarded twice a year to current NAME members needing money for educational projects, workshops or activities that promote the value and care of our water resources and enhance the visibility of NAME. Past grants have helped purchase everything from building supplies to water testing kits, and have provided funds for needy students to attend a variety of field trips. We value organizations that purposefully support underserved populations or communities. To apply for a grant just complete the following application by either November 15th or May 15th. Please contact Fawn Custer, ( Mini-Grant chairperson, with any questions.

    Applicant Information:

    Project Information:

    Budget Breakdown:


    Successful applicants are required to submit a brief summary and/or video upon the completion of your project to be shared on NAME's website and social media channels. Funds must be used within one year of award.