Join us for our monthly Oregon Chapter meeting held virtually the second Wednesday of the month from 4-5 PM. Our next meeting is January 8. Please mark this on your calendar!
We are beginning our full swing of conference planning and need all the help we can get to make Oregon’s conference a successful event. Even if you don’t live on the coast or in the local area, there are ways you can contribute to helping us make this an awesome event. For questions or suggestions contact our Oregon Director, Lisa Habecker, at oregon@pacname.org.at oregon@pacname.org.
Each time you attend a monthly meeting your name is submitted for the Conference Scholarship Raffle. We really hope to see you and that you’ll help make our chapter a success.
Please join us for this opportunity to learn from marine and aquatic educators, scientists, traditional knowledge practitioners, and other industry professionals. Speakers will share experiences, educational tips and stories from the field. Registration is required; after registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Please contact us at info@pacname.org if […]