
State of the Salish Sea

Please join us for State of the Salish Sea—A Virtual Tour with Chrys Bertolotto, Natural Resource Programs Manager, WSU Snohomish County Extension.

Saturday February 4, 2017
12:00 pm – 12:45 pm

Highline College MaST Center (located near Redondo Beach Park)

The Salish Sea stretches from northern Vancouver Island south to Olympia, Washington and is nestled between the Cascade and Olympic Mountains.  Come learn about the coastal processes that shape the landforms we see, as well as glimpse the wide diversity of animals that the region supports.  We’ll assess several of the environmental indicators of health for the region and consider actions we can all take to leave a positive legacy of clean water, robust wildlife populations and natural areas that we can all enjoy.

For directions and more information on the MaST Center please visit http://mast.highline.edu/

Photo by Gary Purves