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Visualizing Change: Training and Tools to Support Ocean Change Educators
Learn how to engage your audience around climate and ocean change with compelling narratives using global data visualizations.
When: August 14th 2016 | 8:30am-4:00pm
Where: Floating Building: Marine Science Classroom
This one-day training will provide:
- An introduction to strategic framing communication through the National Network for Ocean and Climate Change
Interpretation (NNOCCI) - Materials and training in the use of four strategically-framed visual narratives on the topics of Extreme Weather Events, Sea Level Rise, Ocean Acidification, and The Ocean-Climate Connection (visual narratives are designed for use on a flat screen, Hyperwall, interactive spherical display such as Science on a Sphere® or Magic Planet®, or handheld tablet)
- Tools for training colleagues and staff on the use of framing elements, global data sets, and narrative presentation
- Each participant will receive an Electronic Toolkit including ALL narratives and visuals, scientific and strategic fram-ing briefs for each topic, recommendations for facilitation, and a video demonstration of each narrative.
Cost: $45 CDN / $35 USD
About Visualizing Change:
Visualizing Change is a 3-year grant funded by NOAA’s Office of Education to help build educator capacity in the aquarium, zoo and informal science education community to more effectively communicate about climate change and its impact on coastal zones and marine life. The project utilizes NOAA datasets and visualizations in providing interpreters with training and strategic framing communication tools based on the best available social and cognitive research.
Facilitators: Katie Hart (Seattle Aquarium) and Nicole Killebrew (Seattle Aquarium) are Pacific Northwest project representatives. Both are key staff and have helped in development, testing, and training educators in the use of all four visual narratives.
To register or for additional information please contact